OPINION: Rights of the LGBTIQ community on hold

The recognition of the rights that LGBTIQ people have remains taboo in Panama, isolating us from the much more progressive countries. We are facing a human rights issue, which may not be to the liking of many, but which should be recognized since, before the law, we are all equal.

 Human rights law cannot be applied to some, while many others are ignored. Organizations such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court of Human Rights) have already ruled in advisory opinions, warning of the need to recognize their rights. The Supreme Court of Justice has had this issue in its hands for a long time, but there has been little progress. Issues like this and sex education seem to escape the legal sphere, thanks to the pressure exerted by groups in society that are opposed to addressing these issues with the seriousness they deserve.

Justice and the authorities are obliged to do so, as the country is in arrears and for years. We hope that, with the winds of change blowing in the Court, Panama will begin to leave behind the validity of issues that are typical of underdevelopment.- LA PRENSA, Oct. 4
