14 national parks reopen on Monday

A total of 14 protected areas will open to the public starting Monday, October 5 says  the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente)

The areas have closed since March as part of the measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

MiAmbiente reported that one of the main activities will be hiking. Recreational activities in natural parks can be carried out in “family bubbles”.

The San Lorenzo Protected Forest and Landscape will begin operations in the province of Colón; the Sarigua National Park and the El Montuoso Forest Reserve, in Herrera.

In Coclé they will open the General Omar Torrijos National Park and the Cerro Gaital Natural Monument.

In Panama City, the Soberanía National Park, Camino de Cruces National Park and Cerro Ancón Natural Reserve will open.

Panama Oeste will have the reopening of the Altos de Campana National Park and Biological Reserve.

In Veraguas are the Santa Fe National Park, the Cerro Hoya National Park and the La Yeguada Forest Reserve.

In Chiriquí the La Amistad International Park and the Barú Volcano National Park.