‘pandemic not over’ nurses warn

With less than 24 hours to go before the reopening of many businesses after almost seven months with doors closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Panama Nurses Association and members of the Lions Club stepped up efforts on Sunday, September 27, to mitigate the spread of the virus.
“Save your life! The pandemic is not over. Panamanian people take care of yourself and take care of me ”, says the banner carried by a group of nurses in the Don Bosco district.
Volunteers distributed flyers with the recommendations established by the health authorities urging the use of masks, hand washing and physical distancing of two meters.
Reopening includes with the retail trade, shopping centers, restaurants and inns, professional services and administrative and managerial services, and the Presidente Remón racetrack, but without an audience.
The shopping centers of the capital have announced that they are ready to receive their customers from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Tocumen International Airport also reported on Sunday that it is ready to restart domestic flights on Monday.