Trump Wants Fox News  Reporter Fired

US President Donald Trump wants Fox News, which is viewed by any as own his propaganda outlet, to fire its reporter assigned to national security issues, after she confirmed claims that the mogul had scorned US military veterans.

Trump posted an angry message on Twitter Friday night saying that “Jennifer Griffin should be fired for this type of report. He never even called us to ask for a comment. “

Griffin reported that two former government officials confirmed to him that the president “did not want to carry out the ceremony to honor the American war dead” at the Aisne-Marne cemetery, outside Paris.

The Republican leader, who will seek re-election in November, has come under fire since The Atlantic magazine reported calling US soldiers killed in World War I “losers” and “fools” during a visit to France in 2018. , when he avoided going to a cemetery where combatants from his country are buried. The official explanation for skipping that official visit then was that there was bad weather. News outlets reported that the president was concerned his coiffured hairdo would be disturbed.

A former official quoted by the reporter told her that Trump had used the word “fools” to denigrate the fallen military but in a different context related to the Vietnam War. “When the president spoke about the Vietnam War, he said, ‘It was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a fool, ‘” Griffin said, citing the unidentified former official.

After the publication of The Atlantic ,  which has caused a nationwide backlash with harsh criticism from former US veterans,. and their families Trump called it fake news.