Head of children’s protection authority under the gun

A  National Assembly sub-committee formed to investigate reports of abuse in children’s shelters is considering the firing of Sara Rodríguez director of the Secretariat for Children, Adolescents, and the Family (Senniaf) , after a poor performance before the committee on September 3.

She was called to answer a questionnaire on irregularities in shelters for minors. but committee member Walkiria Chandler, substitute for independent deputy Gabriel Silva, said that the director of Senniaf has shown the ability for the position she holds.

“We do not have in Senniaf a person committed to the country’s childhood,” said Chandler, who regretted that the entity sent minors to shelters where there are adults who are rehabilitating from addictions.

The legislative commission created a subcommittee that will be in charge of summoning officials related to the issue of children and adolescents, as well as making visits to shelters.

“I do not see her mastering the subject and she is not prepared. It is not possible for so many anomalies to occur in the issue of childhood and look the other way ”, she said.

, Chandler said that the subcommission is evaluating recommending the separation of Rodríguez, due to the poor performance of Senniaf in the face of the anomalies.

Deputy Corina Cano, from the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement (Molirena), said that she is surprised that there is no solution for the problems faced by children in shelters.

During her appearance before the commission, Rodríguez said  that the entity she directs requires a better budget to fulfill its responsibilities.