President sidesteps issue of high profile quarantine violaters

Panama President, Laurentino Cortizo, came out of his shell on Monday, August 31 to respond to public concern over the flouting of quarantine rules by high profile government employees and politicians.
He skirted the alleged party at the La Fragata restaurant and bar on August 26, where one of the presidency staff was allegedly present and passed the buck to the Health Ministry (Minsa) in the case of Colón, Mayor and fellow PRD member Alex Lee
The mayor admitted to having traveled to the Decameron villas on the beaches of the Coclé province, when in his province, Colón, a total quarantine was in place..
Cortizo stated that it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) to carry out the investigations and apply the corresponding sanctions.
The president also referred to the request from business associations to speed up the reopening of economic activities during the month of September.
He said that the announced schedule is being maintained, and that they seek to carefully observe how the situation evolves after the reopening on September 7, when the free zones and construction open.
He said it is important to avoid a complete reopening that then has to reintroduce a total quarantine in October.
Business associations have claimed that some companies will go under in the next week if reopening is delayed. And will join many others that have already closed their doors.