60% chance of increased rain from La Niña

There is a 60 percent chance of increased rainfall for most of the remaining months of the year because of the La Niña phenomenon say weather forecasters
According to studies, there is a 60% probability of La Niña during the fall of the northern hemisphere and it will continue until winter 2020-21, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA,) National Weather Service and its affiliated institutions.
In Panama, the forecast period from August to October 2020 is determined as the months characteristic of the rainy season, with September and October being the months with the highest accumulated precipitation.
The forecasts of the Hydrometeorology department of the Electric Transmission Company, SA (Etesa) show accumulated rainfall expected for the months of August, September and October 2020.
In the province of Chiriquí, central Veraguas and south of the Ngäbe-Buglé region, there could be an increase in rainfall values between 10% and 20% compared to what normally occurs, according to the report.
Towards the south of Veraguas and the provinces of the Central Pacific regions (Herrera and Los Santos) and the Eastern Pacific (Coclé, West Panama, Panama and Darién), conditions characteristic of the period with normal rains are likely to be present. However, as a second scenario, a slight increase in rainfall is expected.
In Bocas del Toro, Norte de Veraguas and the province of Colón there could be normal conditions with a tendency to a decrease of up to 10% less in rainfall.
Within the forecast period, extreme events of short duration may occur.
The Regional Climate Perspective of the Central American Integration System indicates that during these months in Panama a greater presence of cloudy days and frequent rainfall will be observed