Some businesses "will fail in a week" if reopening delayed

There are businesses in Panama that cannot survive for another week if the government fails to speed up the reopening process said Panama’s Chamber of Commerce Industries  and Agriculture (Cciap) on Sunday. August 30.

The  Chamber  has added  its voice to other business unions in declaring there is no need for such a spaced schedule and much less more restrictions in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Cciap recalled, the main Panamanian private sector leaders  have proposed shortening the time  frame that the government announced in  its “Updated National-Provincial Reopening Plan” , which was presented to the country last week by the administration of President Laurentino Cortizo .

Another point highlighted by the Chamber s that after five months the country is not only experiencing a health pandemic, it is also in the midst of a socioeconomic crisis that has affected companies, the jobs of citizens and the State’s collections. Currently, there are activities that cannot continue for another week without operating.

“With the start of more activities, an increase in people circulating is anticipated, so the private sector continues to support the delivery of self-protection equipment, , education of the population and compliance with biosecurity measures in public areas, means of transport. mass market and companies,” emphasized the Cciap.

The indicators that the Government established for these reopening are the contagion index or Rt, the lethality of the virus and the availability of beds in the rooms of intensive care units and in respiratory care units.

“After more than 150 days, citizens ask that the country reopen activities in a responsible manner, with authorities that are facilitators in this process that benefits us all said the Sunday statement.