Working without proper equipment is suicide say covid nurses

Nurses from the San Miguel Arcángel Hospital in San Miguelito took to the streets on Tuesday, August 25 for the second day to demand quality protective equipment and payment of back wages
Three nurses died from Covid-19 last week and the protestors are calling for better personal protective equipment (PPE)to avoid further contagion of Covid-19
“And the fault was not mine, but the input I did not have” and “Working without quality PPE is not heroism, it is suicide”, were some of the protesters’ slogans.
On Monday, the Budget Committee of the National Assembly approved a transfer of items of $16.3 million to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) for the cancellation of shifts and wages owed to doctors, nurses and technicians who work in the fight against Covid-19, and for the purchase of supplies for the Gorgas Memorial Institute
The move came procedure occurred at a time when doctors, nurses, and health technicians were protesting the nonreceipt of salaries for several months.