OPINION: New Hope with US-Panama Anti-corrution accord

The United States and Panama have formed a Task Force against money laundering and corruption. The effort seeks to train and advise prosecutors, investigators, regulators, and other key actors to improve the response in the fight against two very serious crimes. With the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Panama has an opportunity to change the trajectory of criminal justice and financial oversight for the better.

Although these measures are aimed at fulfilling the commitments with the Financial Action Task Force, the big winners will be Panamanians. Bribes to obtain public contracts, the concealment of dirty money, and the existence of organized networks that facilitate these behaviors are the enemy that the Task Force seeks to combat.

 This initiative strengthens our sovereignty against organized crime and drug trafficking. Only in this way will we avoid the rocky path of a failed state. The corrupt political class, judges and prosecutors must understand that the times of impunity are over. It is time for a system that guarantees the certainty of punishment. Whoever that strikes. LA PRENSA, Aug, 18