Panama justice for sale

As if it were just one more case in the Accusatory Criminal System, the Panamanian justice is airing a process on influence peddling to obtain favorable rulings in the Supreme Court of Justice. In a case in which supposedly there are those who pay for the judgments, and there are intermediaries, the signatory of the judgments is conspicuous by his absence. This trial promises to reveal a lot about how inconspicuous justice is done in the name of the Republic. Since the return of democracy, the cancer of corruption in the judicial system has been a constant. The statements and testimonies that arise in this process, once validated, should serve to lead a total cleaning of the Judicial Organ and the legal profession. It is unacceptable that doing “everything possible” for the client, means the destruction of institutions, and the distribution of envelopes loaded with impunity left and right. We should all be on the lookout for the bottom in this case. This must be the beginning of the end. LA PRENSA, Aug,6