Ex- president faces third marathon grilling

Former President Juan Carlos Varela left the office of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor investigating  Odebrecht bribes  at 7.15 pm  on Monday Jul. 20 after his third marathon session lasting 12 hors and must return July 27, to continue with the diligence.

Leaving the prosecutor Varela told reporters that he is linked to the process “mainly” by financing the two political campaigns in which he has participated in his public life: as a candidate for vice president of the Republic, in the 2009 election, already president of the Republic, in 2014. In the 2009 election, the payroll was headed by Ricardo Martinelli , who has also been summoned for investigation in this case, but has not appeared; Martinelli’s last excuse was the presentation of a medical certificate that disabled him for 60 days, until the beginning of September.

Varela also said that this process is not related to his tenure as President of the Republic, from 2014 to 2019.

He said that he will go to the prosecution as many times as required and stressed that when his investigation before the Public Ministry ends, he will explain to the country all the information that links him to the facts under investigation.