19 arrests after arms trafficking raids on former top security bosses

A series of  28 raids at the homes of former high ranking security  officials  including ex-police chiefs in the governments of former presidents Martinelli and Varela took place on Tuesday afternoon under the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime  and  Directorate of Investigations (DIJ)

The Office of the Special Prosecutor against said 34 firearms and ammunition were seized, as part of an investigation for alleged arms trafficking.

Among those apprehended are “civilians” and people who “previously held high positions within security levels”, prosecutor Emeldo Márquez reported, at a conference held on Tuesday, in which he said that although the case began in March 2019, the period investigated dates back to 2012.

The prosecutor did not specify the names, but said d that some of the 19 arrested are already being “detained.”

Among the raided points are the residences of Rolando López, former director of the National Security Council (CSN) , and Ricardo “Ricky” Domínguez, representative of the corregimiento of Bella Vista.

He is also linked to Omar Pinzón and Julio Moltó, former directors of the National Police. Moltó was also the director of the CSN.

 The raids were related to the investigations for the alleged irregular handling or delivery of weapons permits at the Institutional Directorate for Public Security Affairs (Diasp), during previous governments.

There were raids in San Francisco, Costa del Este Villa Lucre, and other points in the capital.

Ex top cop Julio Moltó arrived at the prosecutor’s office in the  Avesa building  on Via Espana but left because he did not pass the entity’s biosafety contr