Nearly 300 weekend curfew busting parties in Chitré.

The Chitré Mayor’s office  dealt with nearly 300Fcomplaints about curfew-flouting  parties and social gatherings on  Friday and Saturday.

The complaints  came in through  a  community WhatsApp  that had been enabled on the weekend after  a warning that all parties and meetings that violate the curfew would  be suspended and those responsible fined.

Jorge Donado, in charge of special projects for the Mayor’s Office of Chitré, said by  5:00 am  on Sunday they received  and acted on 189 complaints.

Donado said  that most of the complaints were made in the township of Monagrillo, which also has the largest number of people  infected by the coronavirus in Herrera (23).

 ” All the cases were placed with a  justice of the peace” said Donado   and stressed  that the fines will not only be imposed on individuals, but also on business owners who insist on keeping their businesses open beyond 7:00 pm

Donado said  that 91 complaints were dealt with on Friday, of which 11 remained in the hands of the justice of the peace.