OPINION – Panama – a country adrift

There is a feeling that the country is adrift. Political leadership, so necessary to guide state action and inform citizens, is nowhere visible. While the spokesmen of different government entities wash their hands in the face of the responsibility of having authorized a “humanitarian” flight, which seemed more like a flight, the emptiness of command in the State is noted.

Who gave the permission? Who authorized the passports, for two fugitives from Panamanian justice? Now that the country’s international image is tainted, both by request for extradition of the, “princes” and by threats and persecutions against current and former prosecutors, along with veiled censorship, disguised as civil kidnapping against the company that publishes this medium, The opportunity remains for our current president to give the country a sense of the rule of law, and send a forceful message to his subordinates, his political allies, his donors and the entire population. “Not lie. No cheating. Do not steal. And not to tolerate whoever does it. ” A code of honor that the President of the Republic must comply with. We Panamanians demand that the government act with decency, and that justice work once and for all. LA PRENSA Jul 9