Three countries involved in capture  of Martinelli sons

.A criminal complaint filed by a federal court in Brooklyn, New York, accusing the Martinelli Linares, sons of former President Ricardo Martinelli of participation in a massive bribery and money laundering scheme. money involving the Brazilian company Odebrecht is why the US  wants their extradition  from Guatemala where they were arrested on Monday, July 6

According to the Department of Justice, the brothers who are fugitives from Panama.   opened and managed bank accounts of shell companies in foreign jurisdictions.

” These secret bank accounts were used to receive, transfer, and deliver bribe payments (…) Many of these financial transactions were in US dollars and were made through US banks, some of which were located in New York, ” says a Department statement.

The Martinelli Linares who will face a hearing of today before a Guatemalan judge served as intermediaries for the payment of bribes for an approximate amount of $28 million by Odebrecht to a former high-ranking government official in Panama, who is a close relative of the accused, says the statement.

FBI personnel in New York are conducting the investigations.

It was also revealed that the police authorities in Guatemala, including the Public Ministry and the police authorities in El Salvador, participated in the capture of the fugitive brothers who are also facing investigations in Panama but have been on the rin in the US for five years.