OPINION: Hospital crisis seeks leadership

The country’s public and private hospitals are working at full capacity. At this point, it is necessary to have an additional availability of hospital space, to appropriately serve the patients of the Covid-19, without neglecting the other hospitalized. Government spokesmen have indicated the possibility of temporarily conditioning the Atlapa Convention Center or the Ciudad de la Salud project, as new hospital facilities. These plans need more visibility and the collaboration of different sectors to carry them out. The donation offered by a Chinese contractor to convert the Amador convention center into a 1,500-bed hospital echo in the distance. While the weight of past and recent political decisions haunts the management of the President of the Republic, It is evident that each day the population has adopted its own rhythm of openness or lack of confinement, which already goes beyond the few checkpoints and the limited sanitary controls. The country needs leadership and clarity on critical decisions, which those who want to be protagonists must assume with full responsibility. – LA PRENSA, June 28