Family compacts grow with cabinet oustings

The ousting of Rosario Turner as Minister of Health and her replacement by her deputy minister has led  to the creation of new family compacts within the ruling administration which, like its predecessors had promised change and accountability.

The public sector seems to be the most important employer in the country and sticky-fingered politicians do not sit idly by. While   unemployment grows amid the coronavirus pandemic and  scores of thousands of private-sector workers with suspended contracts struggle to feed their families, lawmakers ensure that emoluments within the hallowed National Assembly continue to grow and over 200 mayors and other elected officials practice  double-dipping – drawing tax-payer funded  fat paychecks from two sources,

With the departure of three female ministers from the  Cortizo Government Rosario Turner of Health, Markova Concepción, of Social Development and Inés Samudio del Mivi, there were families who were well-suited to the PRD who were well-positioned in public positions and salaries.

It turns out that the new Minister of Health, Luis Fernando Sucre, who was the deputy minister of Turner, has a  brother, Javier Sucre on deputy circuit 8-8 and their sister Imelda Sucre is the representative of the district of Juan Díaz.

Imelda Sucre was the substitute for Javier Sucre, but since he ran for two positions (deputy and representative), the law obliges him to occupy one and his sister was in charge of the Communal Board.

The Supreme Court of 

Justice has declared that running for two positions of popular election is not unconstitutional, but the Electoral Court in its proposal for electoral reforms seeks to change  that.

The monthly salary of the three siblings  in the PRD government must exceed $20,000

But the Sucres are not the only ones within the PRD, with  access to the power circle. The family of former deputy Elías Castillo is not far behind reports Mi Diario.  

It turns out that Omar Castillo , son of the also former director of the Panama Canal is the current deputy Deputy for Javier Sucre and his sister María Inés Castillo, recently appointed by President Cortizo as the new Minister of Social Development.

Minister Castillo’s salary must exceeds $7,000 a month and her brother as a substitute has a fixed salary in the National Assembly.

This shows that the country requires constitutional and legal reforms to prevent public management from becoming a family farm

Meanwhile former President Martín Torrijos  (2004 -2009) joined other  voices of the PRD  praising  the work done by the former Minister of Health.

” I am a Panamanian who admires her  vocation for service, her  inspiring leadership, her  ability to be a guide and example, even in the midst of the storm,”  Torrijos said on his Facebook account.

Torrijos said that he joins the citizens who thank the former minister for her sacrifice, her dedication and her love for the country.

Meanwhile Benicio Robinson  who has tapped on the door  of  the political Alibaba’s  cave with $600 baseball bats, is asking PRD  members to keep their rumblings to themselves.