Business leaders denounce dine and flout lawmakers

Deputies who flouted quarantine regulations and met and dined in a Panama  restaurant  lacked conscience  and disrespected the trust of those who voted  for them in the last election says  Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap),

In a statement issued on Sunday, June 21,  the Chamber responded to the acts and behavior of some deputies who, in addition to quarreling with the norms and customs of citizens, are “disrespectful to the trust of those who they elected with their votes in the last electoral contest. “

The employers’ body said that the actions of some deputies, which leads them to rise above the legal provisions under the precept of a misinterpreted parliamentary immunity, adds to a series of situations that have shown lack of conscience, causing citizen. rejection

The event that generated protests and citizen uproar  was reported last week, when several deputies of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), including minsters met  with party leaaders in  Jimmy’s, Grill  despite the quarantine.

The Cciap said  that they expect those deputies who are far from these bad practices to superimpose their actions by differentiating themselves, raising and  enriching the level of debate within the National Assembly and not allowing them to discredit the image and work they carry out in a laudable way.

” We trust that these same parliamentarians have the vision required by the national situation and present bills that take into account the short, medium and long-term impacts, ” added the Chamber.

No to re-election
“At the gates of the installation of the second legislature, we recall that, in the last elections, Panamanians gave a clear mandate for change by renewing 75% of the deputies who make up the legislative chamber, with the expectation that, with a new management, there would be really different actions far from politicking.”,