Gluttony of deputies mocks  Panama

After approving the bank moratorium in the third debate, a conspicuous group of PRD deputies went to meet at a well-known restaurant. While hundreds of thousands of Panamanians have nothing to eat, they enjoyed the delicious greens of Greek cuisine and seafood. They have slammed the door of the Laurentino Cortizo government and the sanitary measures that the responsible citizens of this country must comply with. With their gluttony, they would have violated the rules, the physical distancing, the use of masks, and who knows if even the dry law. They have mocked each and every Panamanian. They do not care about our health or the well-being of their drivers, cooks, and waiters, who exposed themselves to make possible the feast of the ruling party. What example can these individuals set? Hours earlier they roared from their seats supposedly defending the people. With their coexistence, it is demonstrated that the legislative work is in the hands of a band of shameless people who scoff at the citizens and who lack awareness of the enormous health and economic crisis we are suffering. – LA PRENSA, June 19