Judges skip duties as quarantine drags on

At the beginning of the quarantine, the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) decided that it would only attend to habeas corpus and the protection of constitutional guarantees. Despite the fact that the time of the magistrates is exclusively dedicated to these issues, the resources that seek to challenge the curfew and the restrictions on constitutional rights are stagnant. In neighboring countries, the supreme courts have had the efficiency and speed to decide the unconstitutionality of presidential actions, in the midst of the pandemic.

No one questions the need for strict sanitary measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in our country. The challenges promoted by a range of lawyers seek to define the scope and validity of the legal tools that the Executive Body is using to restrict freedoms and rights. 

If the pandemic continues to affect the world, and other health control measures become imperative, it is reasonable to expect the CSJ to define the limits of government actions, according to the Constitution and international human rights conventions. What is not acceptable is that a handful of magistrates skip their duties, and leave this matter  in the air.- LA PRENSA, June 13.