OPINION: Police overreach in Panama protest

In democratic countries, under quarantine, citizens have freely conducted peaceful protests. The authorities of those nations respected that right. In Panama, there is a quarantine based on the Public Procurement Law, that is, a state of emergency that does not exist in the Political Constitution, and therefore cannot suspend peaceful protest. Thus, yesterday a motorcade escorted by the police was detained at a checkpoint of the same institution. Participants maintained social isolation, did not pose a danger to third parties, and continued to respect traffic regulations. However, the caravan ended with the police action. Was it a lack of internal coordination, or a direct order to do so? The emotional, family, economic, social impacts, and the frustration with the evident corruption and impunity, are causes to protest. All authorities must understand that, according to the Constitution , Panamanians and foreigners, still have rights, including that of peaceful protest, and we will exercise them. This is the essence of constitutional democracy. LA PRENSA, June 11