OPINION: Saving the president’s credibiliy

The President of the Republic confirmed that his two most questioned ministers would not be replaced. In this way, he shielded them with his own political capital, despite the fact that there are too many doubts and questions about the purchase of ventilators, and the construction of a modular hospital. Hiding in the absence of evidence, or in that the State has not yet made all the payments is a mere deviation.

Political responsibility is not equivalent to criminal responsibility. Previously, other questions caused several members of the Cabinet to leave their positions. This exposes the mentality of young ministers, who prefer that the president’s mandate lose credibility, to give it a break by voluntarily separating from their positions. This painful situation puts Panama under the spotlight of the world, that they will once again “confirm” their perception that opacity and impunity reign here. In the Latin American neighborhood there are many examples of public servants who have withdrawn from power to avoid damage to the image of the country and the president. That is an example to be emulated. –LA PRENSA June 4