Medical professionals reject abrupt quarantine easing

The board of directors of the Association of Doctors, Odontologists, and Professionals Related to the Social Security Fund (AMOACSS) has rejected the removal of the quarantine scheduled for June 1.
The body criticized the government for making the lifting “abrupt”. In a statement circulated on Friday, they called on the population to continue to follow measures such as the use of masks and social distancing when they leave their homes.
Another complaint from the doctors is the debt that the State acquired of “billions of dollars whose real impact has not been seen in the economy, nor as a palliative for citizens,” the association said in the statement.
The second block is reactivated on June 1 and includes activities such as non-metallic mining, and “prioritized” public infrastructure works, among others.
From that date, also, the shopping exit by ID, gender and Sunday total quarantine will be eliminated, but a curfew of 5 am 7 pm was re -imposed ed and established sanitary fences will be maintained.