Metrobus flow increases 80% on June 1

The flow of metro buses will increase 90% on Monday, June 1, the day the second stage of the new normal begins as they expect an increase in users of public transport says MiBus director Luis Campana
He said Friday that the bus fleet will increase to 100% by June 16.
He stressed that all security measures will continue to be taken in terms of distance, use of masks, alcoholic gels, and especially the capacity inside the buses. The Gran Torino buses will carry 34 passengers, while the others will carry 30 people, that is, 40% of the bus’s capacity.
Passengers will not be allowed on seats with an x. Campana called on people who leave home to do so at times other than peak hours and thus allow the people who must go to work to take priority. the smallest flow of people going to work s from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.