Virtual housing expo will include bank access

The Fairs Organizing Committee of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction has announced that “Capac Expo Habitat 2020” will be held in September through a new digital platform.

Jorge Lara, president of the Chamber said that the virtual event will be from September 15 to 25, five days longer than the previous face-to-face versions.

“ The Chamber fulfills its traditional vocation of service to the industry at the same time it seeks to give an impulse towards the reactivation and return to the ‘new normal’, creating spaces for the commercialization of products, which are job generators and that entail a multiplier effect on the economy, ”said Lara.

In this way, promoters, project developers benefit and it makes it easier for buyers to acquire a home to meet family needs.

He said that the new online showcase is an innovative project, the first in Panama in its niche, and will have dozens of exhibitors that will be visited by buyers nationally and internationally from their mobile devices or computers.

The new virtual format of Capac Expo Habitat 2020 will have the support of local banking services that will allow it to manage mortgage and commercial loans.

During the launch period, the visitor must enter the official website of the fair, which will be announced soon. By registering the option will give access to other categories within the platform, such as requesting a pre-approved credit from banks, attending conferences, and making inquiries.

In its virtual version Capac Expo Habitat 2020 will offer a wide range of projects for all budgets, including houses and apartments, located in Panama City and its outskirts, as well as in beach and mountain areas.

Within the facilities of the digital event, the platform is represented with 100% web technology and three-dimensional displays that will have six modules.

The first module will be the cover. We will have another one where the exhibitors, promoters, builders, government, decoration, construction materials, finishes, decoration, and light equipment will appear. The next will be events, information, and the last will be that of banks to serve potential b