Lawmaker awarded  homophobic Pink Egg

The PRD deputy, Jairo ‘Bolota’ Salazar, who opposes gay marriage,  and is facing charges of gender violence for an attack on a woman deputy, has  been awarde

Lawmaker awarded  homophobic Pink Egg

The PRD deputy, Jairo ‘Bolota’ Salazar, who opposes gay marriage,  and is facing charges of gender violence for an attack on a woman deputy, has  been awarded the ‘Pink Egg’, which  gay rights activists deliver annually to the character they consider most homophobic in the country.

The award was confirmed on Sunday, May 17,  by Ricardo Beteta, president of the ‘Association of New Men and Women of Panama GLBT’, who said  that the vote was done virtually and the deputy was the resounding winner  reports Mi Diaro

Beteta explains that votes were based on the episode in which the deputy starred in an incident at the National Assembly, when a group of people protested reforms to the constitution and tried to enter and were, opposed by deputy Salazar that gays could not enter.

The story went viral and the community of ‘New Men and Women’ remembers.

 At the time Salazar said: “We already said no to marriage equality,. Why are we going to let them in? why are you gay And why don’t they let the whole town in? No, they are gay, they are gay and they cannot enter, ”, He later argued that he is not homophobic and that he even has gay friends, but that does not imply that he has to accept equal marriage .