Panama extends ban on international flights

Panama ban  on international flights  has been  extended until June 22, “for reasons of public health.”

The measure was announced on  Friday, May 15 by Gustavo Pérez Morales, director of the Civil Aeronautical Authority (AAC).

Humanitarian flights and those that transport equipment or supplies necessary to face the coronavirus pandemic are excepted.

Commercial and passenger flights have been prohibited since March 23 and were to restart on May 23. On  Friday, the AAC decided to extend the measure -at least- for 30 days.

This suspension involves changes to the schedule of the Panamanian flag line Copa Airlines, which has its hub at Tocumen Airport, the country’s main airport.

Copa Airlines had previously announced that it was restarting operations on June 1.

Air transport is included in the fourth block of activities within the government plan for reviving the economy.

On  Wednesday, the first block started with electronic retail stores, workshops, and other services. The other blocks do not have an effective date.