Social media pull pandemic “conspiracy”  video

Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo have all said that they would be taking a conspiracy theory  video labeled Plandemic from their sites, saying it violates their rules on harmful content.

The slickly produced video peddles misinformation about the coronavirus has been spreading like wildfire on social media. It features Judy Mikovits, a prominent anti-vaccine activist who claims to have once worked with Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the scientists advising the White House on its coronavirus response.

“Dr. Mikovits is naming names of those behind the plague of corruption that places all human life in danger,” a voiceover says. The video goes on to make a string of false claims, including that wearing a mask can make you sicker and that sand from the beach can help build your immunity to the virus. It also warns, as anti-vaccine videos tend to do, that the proposed vaccines are dangerous.

There’s a big audience for of conspiracy theorizing, and the video has been all over Facebook and YouTube in recent days, getting millions of views and shares.