Health Ministry guidelines for a move to “new normal”

Guidelines ” for the first steps towards the “new normal” include the setting up of hundreds of health committees and by public institutions and private companies to “guarantee,” a safe return for workers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic says the Ministry of Health.
- In each public entity and every economic sector, a special health and hygiene committee must be created, which will be in charge of enforcing the protocols and guides issued by the Minsa.
- Workers, clients, suppliers, and visitors must follow prevention measures and controls, such as frequent handwashing with soap and water (recommended every half hour), use alcohol-based gel and masks, maintain a physical distance of at least 2 meters between people and have general protective equipment according to their work activity. areas and surfaces must be disinfected and trash must be properly managed.
- Compsnies will have to establish special hours and restrict the number of people so that physical distancing can be kept.
- Frequent monitoring of the symptoms of employees and clients must be carried out, as well as the taking of temperature. No one will be allowed to enter who sets a temperature of 38 degrees or more.
- Work stress management and psychological help must be provided.
The return to work will be “gradual and scheduled”,. “For face-to-face roles for vulnerable groups: adults over 60 years of age, workers with comorbidity, pregnant women, etc., should be avoided, and teleworking may be considered.”
Health Committee
The special health and hygiene committee that each entity or company must create, will be in force for the duration of the pandemic and will be made up of between 2 to 6 workers, depending on the size of the company.
The committee should monitor compliance with all measures taken to deal with the virus, establish a mechanism to detect and monitor symptomatic or asymptomatic workers and report any suspected cases of coronavirus to health authorities.
Masks & gloves
Masks, must be provided daily to personnel. The use will be obligatory “inside and outside the establishment and those that have to be mobilized due to their functions”. The use of latex gloves is not recommended for daily use, except for those cleaning or food-handling workers.
“Gloves give a false sense of security,” says the report. “The misuse of gloves favors the spread of microorganisms to other surfaces and people. Perform frequent hand hygiene. “
Waste management Masks, gloves, towels, gloves … must be placed in a double, closed bag. the offices must carry out daily cleaning, and a deep cleaning and disinfection every two weeks . Transport and delivery vehicles must be disinfected daily.
The distance of 2 meters that must be maintained. In places where this measure cannot be applied (such as payment conters ), a barrier or protection mechanism must be placed between the cashier and customer.
It is requested to establish staggered shifts at lunchtime, to avoid crowding of staff in the cafeteria, and that each wash their hands when entering and leaving the room.
Companies are asked to promote the adoption of technologies that minimize contact between people like online payments or ACH, electronic billing system, among others.