60% of Panama’s coronavirus cases recover

Some 60%  of the patients infected with COVID-19 in Panama have recovered clinically or by laboratory tests, reports the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

Of the 7,731 positive cases for COVID-19 registered until Wednesday,  4,477  have overcome the disease.

As of Wednesday, May 6, Panama registered 3,618 clinical recovered patients and 859 by laboratory tests, for a total of 4,477.

In addition, the number of recoveries continues to rise rapidly,

This week more than a thousand people have recovered from COVID-19, Minsa said.

Panama Health authorities follow a protocol adjusted to the indications of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to declare patients as recovered. by COVID-19.

Clinical recovery is one in which the patient can be up to 72 hours without a fever and without respiratory distress. This recovery can occur two weeks after symptoms start.

Meanwhile, molecular or laboratory recovery is categorized by performing a PCR test 7 to 10 days after the first positive test, and is repeated after 24 hours. The results of both analyzes must be

negative for the patient to be declared recovered.

Panama also recorded an effective RT reproductive number of the virus below 1 this week.

However, have Minsa  calls on  the population to maintain frequent hand-washing measures with soap and water and physical distancing  to control the pandemic and move on to the next phase of fighting the  virus