Justice skewered under virus umbrella

One of the most recent attacks on the justice system was made by the Second Superior Court, which suddenly ended the investigation of bribes paid by the Spanish company FCC. What could be thought of as the complicit end of this scandal, now faces, amid the pandemic, an accurate protection of constitutional guarantees from the Public Ministry. The prosecutor in the case highlights the scope of this investigation and why it must continue until its purpose is fulfilled. There are sectors that seek to silence all inquiries and complaints about the corruption of past governments. Those interests continue to pressure the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation and the Supreme Court of Justice to derail these cases. Panamanians cannot allow the virus of impunity to continue infecting the political system. Many of the limitations that the country is experiencing in economic and health matters are due to the great corruption that hit us. The dance of billions that vanished, we now need more than ever. – LA PRENSA, May 2