President launches multifaceted team to plan economy restart

An economic labor dialogue table that will be in charge of analyzing proposals from different sectors to gradually reopen the country’s economy in the midst of the pandemic was installed by President, Laurentino Cortizo on Friday, May 1.

“We are seeking  another analysis, to see if next week we can start this process of opening some sectors, it may be through online shopping, hardware, spare parts,” said the president, but emphasized that it will be cautious to avoid replicating the mistakes od other co

Before the announcement, Cortizo  participated in a virtual tripartite  dialogue table with some 50 people representing workers, employers, and government

Cortizo reported that the table will begin to work on Monday, May 4.

The Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel) announced that workers will be represented by the National Central of Workers of Panama, Union Convergence, Union House, General Union of Workers, Conusi, General Central of Workers of Panama, Central of Workers of the Republic of Panama and the Unified Confederation of Workers of Panama.

Business group
The business sector will be represented by the National Council of Private Enterprise, the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama, the Industrial Union of Panama, the Chamber of Tourism, the Association of Restaurants, Bars and Discotheques, the Association of Shopping Centers and the National Union of Small and Medium Enterprises.

The Government team will be  Labor Minister of Labor, Doris Zapata; the Deputy Minister of Labor, Roger Tejada; Winston Sánchez, Secretary-General of the Mitradel; Antonio Vargas, Director of Labor and Bredio Miter, from the Mitradel International Technical Cooperation office.

The  Labor Ministry announced, that the economic labor table will have as technical support representatives of the Specialized University of the Americas (Udelas), University of Panama, University Santa María La Antigua, Labor Foundation, Tripartite Commission, National Association of Human Resources and the Panamanian Academy of Labor Law.