14   government “insider”  postings under microscope

The National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information ( Antai), has launched an investigation to verify or rule out alleged irregularities, in the designation of advisors and influence peddlers and instagramers with high salaries in the National Government.

The move follows a wave of accusations on social media.

Elsa Fernández , director of Antai told TVN  that there are 14 cases of this type that are being investigated in entities such as the Ministry of the Presidency , Culture, Government, Security, and the Legislative Body, among others.

Fernández said that she sent letters to the institutions that hired each of the officials so that they send the information required to give prompt and transparent continuity to the clamor of the citizenry, which has every right to accountability.

What will be verified is that if the appointment of the officials corresponds to the tasks they are performing; if they require formal education for the exercise of their positions or some type of experience.

In case of verifying the veracity of what has been denounced on social networks, the Antai will proceed to request, the dismissal of these public servants. In addition, a formal complaint will be filed for these to be criminally investigated.