Moment of Truth for President Cortizo

The coronavirus pandemic will result in a high cost, not only health, but economic. The Government has asked for billions to face the situation and it will be very difficult for us to honor the large debts that we have contracted as a country.

 For this reason, the waste of money that citizens and the media have denounced is unacceptable and that, for this reason alone – many of them clearly unnecessary or with gross cost overruns – have been suspended or eliminated. Mr President Laurentino Cortizo: if you want to be consistent with your zero tolerance for corruption speech, you have to do more than reprimand in private. As these officials remain in office, their credibility will be eroded at a time when the country needs leadership that does not respond to political or private interests. But, unfortunately, what you do with your hands, your closest collaborators have no problem stomping on it. This is the moment of truth: either keep your promises or you will go down the long list of rulers with no more glory than a sad legacy of corruption. LA PRENSA, Apr.27