Frontline healthcare workers  and security staff infected

At least  24 doctors and nurses and 228 law enforcement officers have been infected with the COVID-19 virus and  300 health professionals are in home isolation for having had to contact with positive patients, and 457  security personnel (National Police, Institutional Protection Service, National Border Service, and National Naval Air Service) are in the same boat.

Security teams  they are on the streets monitoring compliance with quarantine measures such, while Health professionals are in intensive care rooms.

The National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal) calls for the necessary medical supplies and biosafety equipment to be guaranteed for all health personnel, not only those who have direct contact with the virus carriers.

Domingo Moreno, the coordinator of Comenenal, stressed that more and more patients come to see themselves and are asymptomatic, that is, they do not have symptoms of COVID-19, which represents a risk, because they can transmit the virus. “We have to take care of all the staff because later on, we are going to need each one of them,” he said