Lockdown violators bring Panama nearer abyss

Official figures already recognize that there are more than one million people infected with COVID-19 in the world. In Panama, the pandemic situation is causing a depletion of health personnel, especially in the intensive care units (ICU) of public hospitals. To the fatigue and stress of the personnel, it is necessary to add that the ICUs are close to their maximum capacity to attend patients and only several hundred ventilators to serve the demand.

 This information makes it clear that the only ones who can stop infections are ourselves. Each citizen who unnecessarily leaves their home, each person who fails to comply with sanitary regulations or who is diagnosed as a COVID-19 positive who breaks their quarantine is bringing other Panamanians closer to the abyss.

 There is no right to expect heroic doctors and nurses to care for us, even at the cost of their own health, if we do not help stop the spread. The best medicine is prevention. The way to end this pandemic is by assuming our individual responsibility. Complaints and tears will not correct our irresponsibility LA PRENSA, Apl. 3