Panama coronavirus cases jump 63 to 200

The number of  coronavirus cases   in Panama has climbed to 200 said  Minister of Health, Rosario Turner on Friday Jan20

That means an increase of  63 from   Thursday to Friday.

Of the total cases, 171 are in home isolation (with symptoms)  and 28 are hospitalized (11 in  intensive care and 17 cases in the ward).

 81% of affected people aged from  21 to 59 .

Panama Metro, Panama East, Panama North, Panama West and San Miguelito continue to be the points of greatest virus infection.

The most affected areas of Panama Centro are San Francisco, Juan Diaz, Bella Vista, and Betania

2 cases have been verified in Coclé, Colón 2 and Panamá Este 2. And , Chiriquí became the sixth province with a  confirmed case.

2,170 tests have been carried out, of which 91% have been negative.