Pit bulls kills pet, severely injures their owner

The owner of the three pit bulls who savagely attacked a person and dachshund on Sunday in Punta Caelo, in San Carlos, has criminal responsibility to face, said the former vice president of the National Bar Association (CNA) yesterday, Alfonso Fraguela
The pit bulls of Jardine Denzel Ríos killed the pet of the affected person, who went to the Institute of Legal Medicine to certify the injuries caused by the dogs: three fractured fingers of the left hand, a dislocated shoulder, and more than 19 bites.
Fraguela said that, evidently, there is a degree of responsibility and what should be verified are the laws and regulations on the subject of having this type of pet, and if there is any type of sanction to put down the three pit bulls, if It is shown that they are dangerous.
The criminal complaint filed by the lawyer Roniel Ortiz demands the sacrifice of the three pit bulls since they have a record of attacks on people or pets, a danger that should not have been allowed in the residential complex.
He added that having a pet creates a degree of civil responsibility since the owner is responsible for the actions of the animal.
Víctor Baker, the lawyer of Jardine Ríos, owner of the dogs, indicated that his client is quite affected by what happened and is willing to take responsibility for what happened if the damages caused by his pets are proven.