Temp ombudsman loses plagiarism  case

Panama;s stand-in Ombudsman, Maribel Coco who  has been belabored  by civil rights groups  in the last week after she boasted of political connections and dealing with former President Martinelli in his car rather than her office  in a La Prensa interview  took another hit on Friday Mar 6  when the Supreme Court  rejected a lawsuit  against the University  of the Americas (Udelas)

The magistrates of the Third Administrative Contentious Chamber did not admit the lawsuit she  filed by  against a resolution of the University to  dismiss her as a teacher, after being accused of “plagiarism.”

According to the magistrates, the appeal filed by the defense attorney “does not meet the procedural requirements to occur in this court.” 

“The plaintiff is required to make a logical, coherent and more or less detailed explanation about the way in which the act, rule or resolution accused of illegal violated the content of the legal precept,” indicate the ruling that bears the signature of the magistrates Carlos Alberto Vásquez and Cecilio Cedalise.

According to the magistrates, the appeal filed by the defense attorney in charge “does not meet the procedural requirements to occur in this court.”

Before making the decision, the magistrates asked the opinion of the Attorney General of the Administration,  Rigoberto González who said that Coco did not explain in a “clear way” the rules that would violate the resolution. He did not provide a certified copy “of the accused act, with due proof of its publication, notification or execution,” he said.

A week ago, in a La PrensaKnockout column” , Coco said she would win the lawsuit

Coco’s trail
Last October, Coco filed the lawsuit against a May 20, 2019 resolution of the Udelas, which confirmed her dismissal from the teaching position for plagiarism.

She  filed the lawsuit after she exhausted all the legal channels to which she had a choice within the university, including a reconsideration appeal, which was rejected.

Maribel Coco was appointed to the Ombudsman’s office post by the ex-defense of the People, Alfredo Castillero (2016-2021), in September 2019 in the middle of a process in  National Assembly for alleged sexual harassment in the institution. Castillero made the appointment after the departure of Elsa Fernández, who was appointed to the Transparency and Access to Information Authority. 

When Castillero was removed by the plenary of the National Assembly Coco remained in charge until the Assembly designates a replacement.

According to the dismissal resolution, Coco’s conduct was “contrary to the ethical principles of the teaching staff”, established in the Udelas Code of Ethics.

His separation as a teacher from that house of studies originated after the University Electoral Council of Udelas ordered, in July 2018, an investigation into the documents and works presented by Coco, as part of the necessary requirements for her postulation to the post of rector of the university.

Once they gave the green light for the investigations, the Udelas Integrated Library System Management proceeded to analyze Coco’s research work with software called Ithenticate Professional Plagiarism Prevention. The research work was completed and they presented the report. They determined that “there were abundant texts without quotes” in Coco’s work.

After the removal of Alfredo Castillero Hoyos, last October, as Ombudsman, Coco assumed the role pending the appointment of a holder to complete the mandate of Castillero Hoyos, in 2021.