Smoke and Mirrors Lobbying

What is a lobbyist? He is a person dedicated to obtaining favors at the expense of the public treasury or the interests of the public in favor of a client. Powerfully draws attention to the fact that in the current phase of the Odebrecht case, public opinion follows up on the investigation of a self-declared “lobbyist” who served as an intermediary, presumably between a disgraceful company and senior leaders of political power. 

In Panama there is no official record or restrictions on the lobbyists’ actions. Those who contribute today for a campaign or business tomorrow prepare public procurement documents or hold high government positions. As things stand, a lobbyist is a  cash and carry, a commission agent or even the godfather of a profitable relationship between Mr. Money and politicians. 

When you lobby in secret, between smoke and mirrors, The whole society loses, since state affairs and market games are arranged in favor of the highest bidder. This is the best moment, taking advantage of the reform of the Public Procurement Law and the start of the Electoral Reform Commission, to regulate and transparent lobbyists. Do not let us know about them through inquiries and courts – LA PRENSA, Mar 6