OPINION:  Intimidation of Panamanian  democracy

There is a strategy to intimidate judges, prosecutors, and any official who dares to act on the criminal causes of a local political connotation. A civil court granted him the kidnapping of assets of a high-ranking former official who worked in the Attorney General’s Office. These decisions can be made prejudicially, that is, without there being a conviction against the former official.  If he wanted to denounce, there is the path of a Public Ministry that has a new boss, there is also the Ethics Court of the National Bar Association and the Fourth Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. But since that is not the true intention of the civil kidnapping carried out, it is clear that the objective is another: Who is going to dare now to move a finger on all the pending cases of this politician? What prosecutor, Judge or magistrate of the Court will not think twice before acting against him? If this case thrives, Panama will be a hostage of the highest bidder. A country without justice leaves the door open to tyranny and corruption. In other words, it is the end of democracy and the freedoms of all Panamanians. Only the powerful who have hands full of money l can decide how to investigate when to judge and who is convicted.- LA PRENSA. Feb. 20