New date for citizen consultation on the city beach project

The  date and venue of the citizen consultation on the Panama Mayor’s plan to create beaches on the Bay of Panama have been changed.

The new date is  March 12, at the Vasco Núñez de Balboa Convention Center, in the Panama Hotel at 5 pm according to the Municipality of Panama,  Twitter account. The announcement comes a day after the authorities of the capital city, including Mayor José Luis Fábrega, met with personnel of the Electoral Tribunal (TE), which will supervise the consultation. 

A statement from the Mayor, released Monday, February 10, announced that Fábrega, and the architect Tomás Sosa, Project Director of the Municipality of Panama, presented the project to TE authorities.

“We have made more than 47 presentations in guilds, open consultations, presentations in more than 18 districts of the city of Panama,” said Fabrega also explained to those who were in the meeting, which the project covers three fiscal periods: 2020 with a budget of $30 million; and the period 2021 and 2022 with  45 million each, calculating that the investment will be recovered in less than mayor at the meeting.20 years. “This work will generate new businesses will generate new jobs, it will be required to have emergency personnel and personnel to maintain and clean these beaches, “said the Mayor.
 The work costs $120 million, and provide  1.8 kilometers of beach.