Bill seeks to block escape holes for public purse thieves

A bill that would close a couple of bolt holes for high profile robbers of the public purse has been submitted to the plenary of the National Assembly by independent deputy Gabriel Silva

He seeks to exclude those who commit a crime against the public administration from the benefit of substitute penalties of house arrest and community work.

The initiative would modify articles of the Criminal Code. To make it clear, among other things, that the conditional suspension of the execution of the sentence does not apply when it comes to crimes against the administration. This would according to Silva, avoid the mockery of those who steal from the State and with bad money have converted their homes into mansions where they live under “house arrest.”

Nor will women who are convicted of such crime and who are in a state of gravity or have had a recent birth have the benefit of changing their penalties until the child reaches one year of age. It is then, according to the initiative, that the judge may order house arrest.

In addition, an official who accepts an appointment for a public office or receives remuneration from the State without providing the service will be sanctioned with heavy fines.