"Son of Adam and Eve" in macabre Panama murder ritual

Obniel González Viro, the new “Messiah and the third son of  Adam and Eve and brother of Cain and Abel., was the figurehead of the Church of Dod cult in the El Terrón in the Ngäbe-Buglé region of Panama), that tortured murdered  7 people including a pregnant mother, and her five children in an exorcism rite.

Viro known as “Zet” and “Pastor”  Mario González Blanco, were the leaders of the sect that proclaimed: “repent or die!”

The name “Zet, is a deity of brute force, of the tumultuous, the unstoppable. Lord of chaos, the god of drought and desert in Egyptian mythology.

On Friday, January 17  in Changuinolac charged  with homicide, femicide and deprivation of liberty

During the hearing details of the events of Saturday 11 and early Sunday. Bellín Valdés Flores, 33, was taken from her home to worship.

On Saturday night the first sacrifice was a goat whose tongue was cut off  but “Zet” claimed that it was not enough.

Bellin and her five children were circled by the members of the sect. as  Jehovah “revealed,” to “Zet” that the woman was a “sorceress” and had to die.

The woman six months pregnant was beaten wildly in the abdomen with sticks, machetes, and Bibles until she was killed. Her five children witnessed the performance of the pastor and his followers before they were killed.

One daughter of Bellin WQA among the group of 15 people rescued by the Police.

The judge ordered police vigilance in the Terrón area and psychiatric attention given to those involved.

Further charges could be made for vaginal sexual assault of an eight-year-old girl who was in the group of 15 survivors, who were rescued by the National Police.