Panama’s unique tool to stall justice

The electoral criminal jurisdiction remains an exaggerated and unnecessary shield against justice. As are the electoral rules, from the moment a person begins his participation in an internal process of a political party, it is covered by the jurisdiction.

 Not only do the candidates benefit from this armor, but also the organizers, jurors, board members, and the party hierarchy are protected. This armor reappeared as a threat, in the case of Pandeportes, against former Adolfo Valderrama. After overcoming that obstacle, a collection of signatures appears on the horizon to call elections in the Democratic Change party. just when very high profile cases approach crucial stages and involve members of that party, These internal elections will give jurisdiction to many of those mentioned in prosecutors and courts.

The consequences of this generous shield are visible. The country has the opportunity to correct this abuse that they only have the candidates for elected positions in the final tournaments, .in the National Commission of Electoral Reforms, which will soon begin its work.  Keeping it as it is is another mockery against democracy and justice. – LA PRENSA, Jan 8