Panama in crisis can’t repeat past mistakes says business chamber

Panama cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past says Panama’s Chamber of Commerce (CCIAP) on the eve of appointments of new Supreme Court judges and in the aftermath of the resignation of the nation’s Attorney General in the wake of the Varelaleaks scandal.

The events offer President, Laurentino Cortizo, the opportunity to promote the arrival of people who will fundamentally, contribute to the “radical transformation” demanded by the administration of justice in the country says the Chamber.

Cortizo must name six main magistrates and nine alternates in the Supreme Court.

“Our union maintains that, without the aforementioned transformation, all other changes that may occur to recover the lost institutionality will be simple palliative without the permanence  and much less sustainable, given that in a true democracy, all other values ​​of life rest in justice. said the organization in a  Sunday statement.

According to the CCIAP, the crisis that the country has been dragging for a long time confirms that, when some powers of the State fold to others in a submissive way, all the forces work and conspire to prevent justice from curbing corruption and impunity that without  doubt are the main enemies of development in the country.

For this reason, the business group shares the vision that the administration of justice must be put “in the hands of the most capable, capable and incorruptible citizens, so that they once again give luster of prestige and respect to the various judicial instances “, beginning with the upcoming appointments.

“There is no room for past mistakes. We must be right with these appointments and recover the credibility lost in our instances of justice,” it said.