Attorney General will face the nation Tuesday  on  wiretap leaks

Panama’s Attorney General , Kenia Porcell will face the country on Tuesday, November 12 said President  Laurentino Cortizo on Sunday, November 10 while attending events in La Villa de Los Santos.

Cortizo said he has spoken, via cell phone, with Porcell and she told him what she would do on  Tuesday. He also said that he has not spoken with former president Juan Carlos Varela.

“I have not analyzed anything, I have been reading” and it is a very sensitive issue, said Cortizo in relation to the Varelaleaks ( WhatsApp messages leaked from Varela’s phone).

On Friday, November 8, a letter circulated through social networks, in which  Porcell announced her resignation. It was immediately denounced  by the Public Ministry as  fake news

To date, it is not known if the Public Ministry will open an investigation to analyze the veracity of the information and its origin. reports  La Prensa  It is widely believed to have emanated from a Pegasus wiretapping system used during the Martinelli administration. The $13 million surveillance equipment was last seen at the headquarters of Martinelli-owned Super 99.