President knocks homophobic attacks

President Laurentino Nito Cortizo,  on Wednesday October 30 led off a stream of condemnations of homophobic statements of a lawmaker from his own party (PRD) and said tolerance for diversity was not negotiable.

On  Tuesday  during  protests at the Assembly by  trade union groups, the  LGBTI community feminist groups, university students and community activists, Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD),  Deputy Jairo ‘Balota’ Salazar said that  LGBTI protestors could not enter the legislative chamber “They are gay, they cannot enter the Assembly,” he said.

His recorded comments were broadcast on radio and TV and in social networks.

Through his official Twitter account, Cortizo wrote: “I respect the separation of powers. However, respect is two-way. I ask the deputies to measure their words.”

“The tolerance of diversity and respect for human dignity in my government are NOT negotiable. Panama belongs to everyone,” the president said.

Earlier in the week  Sergio Chello Galvez (Democratic Change) had verbally attacked a radio journalist describing him as an alcoholic with problems while other deputies laughed, including the Assembly president.

Zulay Rodriguez Rodriguez, renowned for her xenophobic pronouncements labeled two former presidential candidates “gay”. Both deputies were widely criticized for sheltering behind parliamentary immunity.

On Wednesday the Assembly apologized for keeping the LGBTI community out and the incident was condemned by the local office of the UN and by the Panama Ombudsman.