OPINION: Press  freedom under stress

This week marks a year of the brutal murder in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey of journalist Jamal Kashoggi. The evidence suggests that he was tortured and executed for being a fierce critic of his country’s government. The anniversary of his death should serve to remember the serious threats suffered by freedom of expression in the world. Closer to us, in Nicaragua, independent newspapers close because the government of the tyrant Daniel Ortega denies them access to paper, ink and foreign exchange to function.

 This also ends the freedom of expression and the right to information of citizens.

 In Panama, direct threats to critical media and committed journalists include stubborn demands, unfounded criminal complaints and harassment campaigns on social networks and in publications that claim to be media. The maxim that in a democratic society independent media outlets exist to tell the truth to power has never been more true. The best defense of democracy is an independent press that helps create informed citizenship.- LA PRENSA, Sep. 30